In case you were wondering whether gay stigma is fading, we have news from Wyoming that a school district has banned an Anti-Defamation League program called "No place for hate." This program is an anti-bullying program that is being piloted in 26 schools. One of the pilot schools in Wyoming removed the signage associated with the program and that was when it all started falling apart.
I'm hoping there is more to this story, but the story I'm reading says that the problem was that listed on one of the signs was one of the co-sponsors of the program, the Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado. Since the words "gay" and "lesbian" were on the signage, the signs were deemed to be outside the bounds of moral society and were removed. It is really hard for me to wrap my head around such an attitude, but here's a quote from the article, "The board thought it was inappropriate to have that sponsorship hanging up in the school," said Stuart Nelson, the district's superintendent.
It really feels like a story out of the Onion...Here's a link to the story.
Don't read the comments section after the article, because you are likely to see more of the same along the lines of this: "Homosexuality is a behavior or lifestyle that one choses. It is something I chose not to accept, believe in or support. I find it quite offensive and deplorable. But I am force to keep my mouth and opinions to myself and I fake smile when I'm around them. Any other type of lewdness or lustfulness is not tolerated in public, and many are jailed and fined for doing so inappropriately. There's a place and time for sort of behavior, not in the public, school, church or other public setting."
That was written by the user "local" on that news site. I just copied and pasted so don't blame me for any spelling mistakes.
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