Alex and I have about decided that should the worst happen, and we be required to leave the country, Vancouver is where we are going to end up.
I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with that destination based on this video:
Absolutely beautiful work.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Gay Stigma
In case you were wondering whether gay stigma is fading, we have news from Wyoming that a school district has banned an Anti-Defamation League program called "No place for hate." This program is an anti-bullying program that is being piloted in 26 schools. One of the pilot schools in Wyoming removed the signage associated with the program and that was when it all started falling apart.
I'm hoping there is more to this story, but the story I'm reading says that the problem was that listed on one of the signs was one of the co-sponsors of the program, the Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado. Since the words "gay" and "lesbian" were on the signage, the signs were deemed to be outside the bounds of moral society and were removed. It is really hard for me to wrap my head around such an attitude, but here's a quote from the article, "The board thought it was inappropriate to have that sponsorship hanging up in the school," said Stuart Nelson, the district's superintendent.
It really feels like a story out of the Onion...Here's a link to the story.
Don't read the comments section after the article, because you are likely to see more of the same along the lines of this: "Homosexuality is a behavior or lifestyle that one choses. It is something I chose not to accept, believe in or support. I find it quite offensive and deplorable. But I am force to keep my mouth and opinions to myself and I fake smile when I'm around them. Any other type of lewdness or lustfulness is not tolerated in public, and many are jailed and fined for doing so inappropriately. There's a place and time for sort of behavior, not in the public, school, church or other public setting."
That was written by the user "local" on that news site. I just copied and pasted so don't blame me for any spelling mistakes.
gay lifestyle,
No Place for hate
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Videos of Prop 8 Trial!
So if you would rather watch or listen to the Prop 8 trial, rather than slogging through the transcripts, you can go to this website to watch it!
This outfit put together a team of actors, and using the transcripts, have been filming a re-enactment of the trial. The trailer for what you can expect is embedded below:
This outfit put together a team of actors, and using the transcripts, have been filming a re-enactment of the trial. The trailer for what you can expect is embedded below:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Transcripts of Prop 8 Trial
I've finally found them! There is a website that is keeping a complete transcript of the proceedings in the Prop 8 trial. It's a whole bunch of reading, but some of you might be interested enough to follow along.
You can find them by clicking right here.
You can find them by clicking right here.
Hypocrites in Charge of Prop 8 Trial
Remember when we were discussing how the Prop 8 team is claiming they are removing witnesses because those witnesses are scared of the gays?
I think maybe they are forgetting when they were turning to extortion to try to get No on 8 supporters to switch teams. Enjoy!
I think maybe they are forgetting when they were turning to extortion to try to get No on 8 supporters to switch teams. Enjoy!
McCain and the Complicated Issue of Marriage Equality
So John McCain is against marriage equality. He's made that clear over and over again.
We all know that his daughter has become as much of a talking head as she has, mainly because she is very openly both a Republican and a supporter of marriage equality.
When Cindy McCain, the senator's wife, weighed in on the issue, she decided not just to make her opinion known, whether for or against. No, she's joined the NOH8 campaign, and is appearing in ads in favor of marriage equality.

You can read all about it here.
We all know that his daughter has become as much of a talking head as she has, mainly because she is very openly both a Republican and a supporter of marriage equality.
When Cindy McCain, the senator's wife, weighed in on the issue, she decided not just to make her opinion known, whether for or against. No, she's joined the NOH8 campaign, and is appearing in ads in favor of marriage equality.

You can read all about it here.
Anti-Marriage Equality Experts
Very soon we'll be treated to the witnesses for the defenders of Prop 8, the ones who think that gays being allowed to get married is super bad.
Several of the planned witnesses have been withdrawn, and we've been informed it is because the evil gays are so scary that they are scared for their lives. I know we are a big monolithic scary bunch who have no control over our desires to kill people, so I can see why this might be true.
Today over at Towleroad, depositions from two of the withdrawn witnesses was posted. I'm finding out that the reason we have been told by the Prop 8 supporters might have been a big pack of lies.
Watch these videos of two of the witnesses in favor of continued discrimination, and then try to explain to me, after the answer they gave, what state interest there possibly could be for the continued discrimination against gays and lesbians.
Several of the planned witnesses have been withdrawn, and we've been informed it is because the evil gays are so scary that they are scared for their lives. I know we are a big monolithic scary bunch who have no control over our desires to kill people, so I can see why this might be true.
Today over at Towleroad, depositions from two of the withdrawn witnesses was posted. I'm finding out that the reason we have been told by the Prop 8 supporters might have been a big pack of lies.
Watch these videos of two of the witnesses in favor of continued discrimination, and then try to explain to me, after the answer they gave, what state interest there possibly could be for the continued discrimination against gays and lesbians.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Is the Tide Really Turning?
I haven't decided if the future platform of the Republican party as it relates to the gays is tied to the stances of Dick Cheney and Meghan McCain or if they are outliers.
Let's add one more Republican to the list, though; Margaret Hoover is a Republican contributor to Fox News and published the following article to
Why I’m Joining the Fight for Marriage Equality
Is the tide turning on this question for Republicans?
Hoover also pointed to a couple of FaceBook pages. If you are a Republican, you can sign up for the group Republicans for Marriage Equality if you'd like to show your support.
Let's add one more Republican to the list, though; Margaret Hoover is a Republican contributor to Fox News and published the following article to
Why I’m Joining the Fight for Marriage Equality
Some Republicans support gay rights, but prefer progress through legislative action or majority rule at the ballot box, rather than judicial action. But what if a democratic election imposes mandates that violate a citizen’s constitutional freedom? In the event that majority rule insufficiently protects individual liberty, our system of checks and balances puts forth that it is the role of the courts, to guarantee and protect the rights to individual Americans.
Is the tide turning on this question for Republicans?
Hoover also pointed to a couple of FaceBook pages. If you are a Republican, you can sign up for the group Republicans for Marriage Equality if you'd like to show your support.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The United States Supreme Court
Today, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, denied another court's request to broadcast video of the proceedings of the Prop 8 trial which is happening now in San Francisco.
They made this decision, in part, because of the "irreparable harm" that will befall those against marriage equality if they are completely honest when testifying. Let's forget for just a minute that the people being called to the stand weren't concerned about such harm when they were campaigning across California to end marriage equality. They weren't concerned about such harm when making numerous public speeches and writings either before or after that campaign.
The other reason for the denial, according to the majority, was that the trial judge did not give enough notice that this was planned. In fact, he gave a little over a week when historically most government agencies give 30 days or more. That may be true. I know that in that window I was one of the people that took the time to voice my support of cameras, and 130,000+ people who also supported cameras were able to do the same thing. There were 32 people who contacted the court to let them know they were against cameras. I'll leave it to you to decide what that means.
I would like to address the Supreme Court of the United States directly, specifically the 5 justices who voted in favor of banning video of the trial, and specifically as it relates to irreparable harm. First, one of the harms that the prop 8 side claimed to be so horrendous that it deserved protections is that one of the defendants once had a pro-Prop 8 yard sign almost stolen out of his yard. The woman who was trying to steal it ran away, sans sign, when she was interrupted trying to take it. Oooh, that's so fucking scary and I can see why that would scar someone for life!
Meanwhile, millions of GLBT folks are irreparably harmed every single day because in many places we can't tell our bosses we are gay without fear of retribution. In many places we can't tell our landlords we are gay without fear of eviction. In many places we can't speak up about injustices for fear of a beating or death. In many places we can't get married. And nowhere in this country can we get married and attain the federal rights associated with marriage. This causes hardship on our families when they need help the most. It cuts children of gay parents off from all the benefits that they could have. It separates loved ones during moments of crisis in hospitals across the country. It denies spousal benefits should one partner die. It makes it possible for mortuaries across this country to deny the right of a same-sex spouse to claim the body of their departed loved one. It splits up families and puts them on different continents, if one member of that family doesn't happen to be American.
You tell me, which harm seems more irreparable to you, Supreme Court? Is it the momentary fright of some stranger trying to steal a yard sign out of your yard, or is it crying in the waiting room while your partner dies alone because the hospital doesn't recognize your marriage?
The majority opinion is highly offensive because of that context. Since none of the majority was willing to sign their name to it, I think they realize that. I certainly hope this is not an indication of how this court will vote when this case eventually reaches the SCOTUS on appeal. I hope, but I'm not optimistic.
They made this decision, in part, because of the "irreparable harm" that will befall those against marriage equality if they are completely honest when testifying. Let's forget for just a minute that the people being called to the stand weren't concerned about such harm when they were campaigning across California to end marriage equality. They weren't concerned about such harm when making numerous public speeches and writings either before or after that campaign.
The other reason for the denial, according to the majority, was that the trial judge did not give enough notice that this was planned. In fact, he gave a little over a week when historically most government agencies give 30 days or more. That may be true. I know that in that window I was one of the people that took the time to voice my support of cameras, and 130,000+ people who also supported cameras were able to do the same thing. There were 32 people who contacted the court to let them know they were against cameras. I'll leave it to you to decide what that means.
I would like to address the Supreme Court of the United States directly, specifically the 5 justices who voted in favor of banning video of the trial, and specifically as it relates to irreparable harm. First, one of the harms that the prop 8 side claimed to be so horrendous that it deserved protections is that one of the defendants once had a pro-Prop 8 yard sign almost stolen out of his yard. The woman who was trying to steal it ran away, sans sign, when she was interrupted trying to take it. Oooh, that's so fucking scary and I can see why that would scar someone for life!
Meanwhile, millions of GLBT folks are irreparably harmed every single day because in many places we can't tell our bosses we are gay without fear of retribution. In many places we can't tell our landlords we are gay without fear of eviction. In many places we can't speak up about injustices for fear of a beating or death. In many places we can't get married. And nowhere in this country can we get married and attain the federal rights associated with marriage. This causes hardship on our families when they need help the most. It cuts children of gay parents off from all the benefits that they could have. It separates loved ones during moments of crisis in hospitals across the country. It denies spousal benefits should one partner die. It makes it possible for mortuaries across this country to deny the right of a same-sex spouse to claim the body of their departed loved one. It splits up families and puts them on different continents, if one member of that family doesn't happen to be American.
You tell me, which harm seems more irreparable to you, Supreme Court? Is it the momentary fright of some stranger trying to steal a yard sign out of your yard, or is it crying in the waiting room while your partner dies alone because the hospital doesn't recognize your marriage?
The majority opinion is highly offensive because of that context. Since none of the majority was willing to sign their name to it, I think they realize that. I certainly hope this is not an indication of how this court will vote when this case eventually reaches the SCOTUS on appeal. I hope, but I'm not optimistic.
This is it
So Alex completed school in December, and now it's a full court press to find him a job. He's officially eligible to work on February 1. He's got a master's degree in global issues, 2 undergrad degrees, one in public administration and one in international relations and he has a year of work experience.
The career center at his school has not been helpful in helping him figure out what kinds of terms to search for and I'm incredibly disappointed with their performance. But, we're making do.
He made some connections in grad school, and is working with a couple of his professors to help him land somewhere, so we are hopeful.
In the end, if we can get him into a position by May 1, then he can stay here til April 1, 2011. If we can't, then he's got to leave, which means that I'll be looking to leave too.
The Prop 8 trial in California is going strong, and looks really good for us at the moment, but it will be a good 2-3 years before that gets to the Supreme Court, and it would only be after a positive ruling there before it would have an positive effect on our lives. So, we're holding our breath and hoping that a job will be coming soon.
It's a shame that the government provided rights and benefits associated with being a committed couple are being held hostage because 250 years ago the government decided to give a secular contract a religious name.
Dealing with American immigration laws is by far the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with in my life.
Sorry for the disjointed post, just wanted to vent a little and give a quick update.
The career center at his school has not been helpful in helping him figure out what kinds of terms to search for and I'm incredibly disappointed with their performance. But, we're making do.
He made some connections in grad school, and is working with a couple of his professors to help him land somewhere, so we are hopeful.
In the end, if we can get him into a position by May 1, then he can stay here til April 1, 2011. If we can't, then he's got to leave, which means that I'll be looking to leave too.
The Prop 8 trial in California is going strong, and looks really good for us at the moment, but it will be a good 2-3 years before that gets to the Supreme Court, and it would only be after a positive ruling there before it would have an positive effect on our lives. So, we're holding our breath and hoping that a job will be coming soon.
It's a shame that the government provided rights and benefits associated with being a committed couple are being held hostage because 250 years ago the government decided to give a secular contract a religious name.
Dealing with American immigration laws is by far the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with in my life.
Sorry for the disjointed post, just wanted to vent a little and give a quick update.
Love this video
This was filmed outside the court house in San Francisco before the start of the Prop 8 trial.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Prop 8 Lawsuit Starts Monday
Since the lawsuit to overturn prop 8 will kick off on Monday, I wanted to post a couple of links of interest.
The Conservative Case for Gay Marraige
This is a Newsweek article written by Ted Olson, one of the lawyers hired to overturn Prop 8 in federal court. It lays out a high level view of the It's a good read.
A longer read comes from the New Yorker. This one also profiles Olson, but goes into more back story about the case, more of the concerns and arguments about the timing of the case. I'd recommend both articles.
A Risky Proposal
The Conservative Case for Gay Marraige
This is a Newsweek article written by Ted Olson, one of the lawyers hired to overturn Prop 8 in federal court. It lays out a high level view of the It's a good read.
A longer read comes from the New Yorker. This one also profiles Olson, but goes into more back story about the case, more of the concerns and arguments about the timing of the case. I'd recommend both articles.
A Risky Proposal
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