Thursday, November 05, 2009

This Wallet is Now Closed

To all politicians,

I watched helplessly on Tuesday night as yet another vote was held on whether or not I deserve equal rights in this country. I watched my countrymen once again say that I am not quite human enough to deserve the same respect, dignity and rights that they enjoy.

I watched President Obama, the self-described "fierce advocate" for gay rights, very very carefully word a statement that was at best lukewarm in his support for those on the side of equality in Maine. It was so carefully worded that the state of Maine wasn't even mentioned. I watched him say that he had more important things to do on Tuesday than to watch election results. I watched as the Democratic National Committee send out an email to supporters living in Maine on Tuesday reminding them to go vote. The email didn't describe what issues Mainers should vote on, nor what positions those voters should take. The email did say that Mainers should help their fellow Democrats in New Jersey try to get Corzine re-elected. The gay issue of equality wasn't mentioned.

I spoke face to face with my Congressman who looked helpless to me while he explained it would be difficult to pass the Uniting American Families Act. I still have the letter he sent me when I wrote him to ask him to co-sponsor that bill. He claimed to support it, but refused to co-sponsor.

My senators are vehemently against the idea that I might ever deserve to be considered normal, much less have any rights, so they are already a lost cause.

I say all that to let you know that my wallet is now closed unless you earn my vote.

If you can say that you are co-sponsoring ALL of the bills listed below, do not ask for a penny, because you will not get it from me.

1. Uniting American Families Act
2. Comprehensive Immigration Reform (that includes protections for gay couples)
3. The Bill to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act
4. The Bill to Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell
5. Employment Non-Discrimination Act

No more will I sit back and accept your promises, your urgings to wait for equality. I'm sick of it. Stand up and get some courage. Be a fierce advocate of equal rights for all Americans. If you will do that, I will happily support you. If you will not, then don't expect my time, my money or my vote.

Mr. Doggett, Mr. Cornyn, Ms. Huthison, Mr. Obama, all of you have something to prove to me. None of you have earned my vote. None of you have earned my support. None of you have earned my money. That is the way it will stay until I hear that each of you is in clear support of the 5 bills listed above. Until that day, please look elsewhere. I will not enable your poor behavior any longer.



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