First, apologies for my absence recently. It has been super busy and I haven't had much time to post.
However, I ran across an article about Arizona that underscores why marriage is so important. Apparently, at some point in the past, Arizona has included benefits for the domestic partners and spouses of its employees.
Now, they've run up against a budget shortfall. Married employees continue to enjoy spousal benefits, but Arizona has given the shaft to its gay employees by revoking partner benefits...
You can read more about that here:
Lambda Legal press release on Arizona LegislatureFor those of you reading this who might think that calling it something else is just as good, or that gays lining up to getting our rights one at a time should be good enough, I will point you back to that link. What we take separately, or one at a time, can be taken from us separately, or one at a time, without it affecting the larger population. We remain vulnerable as long as our equality under the law continues to be ignored.